Vue.js Notebook


  1. Download node and install;
  2. Download vue;
~> npm install -g @vue/cli

Create Vue Project

~> vue create testPrj

Start Web Server, Run the App

~> cd testPrj
testProj~> npm run serve

starts web server and your app at localhost:8080

Stop server and run GUI version of the Vue App Server

~> vue ui

starts dashboard at localhost:8000


  • Renderer is <div id="app" /> in public/index.html
  • Main engine is the src/main.js file, imports vue and App object
  • App.vue file as an example:
	<div id="app">
		All view here.
		<Header /> <!-- Component; Navigation etc. -->

	// Header.js in that folder holds the similar architechture.
	import Header from './componentes/layout/Header' 
	// sending up to the view
	export default { 
		name: "app",
		components: {

<!-- scoped parameter (optional) means those 
     style are scoped only by this page. -->
<style scoped>
/* Standard CSS */
  • Header.vue object imported by App.vue
	<header class="header">
		<div id="nav">
			<!-- Routers gets installed as plugins
			     by Vue App Server Dashboard  -->
		  <router-link to="/">Home</router-link> |
		  <router-link to="/about">About</router-link>

	export default {
		name: "Header"

<!-- scoped parameter (optional) means 
     those style are scoped only by this page. -->
<style scoped>
	header {
		background-color: teal;
	/* ... */


to be continued…

Cheat Sheet:
